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EDAC & University of Waterloo Seminar: Performance Measurement in Economic Development

  • 19 Sep 2016
  • 20 Sep 2016
  • Halifax, Nova Scotia

Tuition: $595- $795

EDAC Value: 7 points

For full details and to register, click here

Monday, September 19
8:30-9am   Registration

9am-12:30pm   Using performance measurement to further economic development goals

  • Challenges in economic development performance measurement
  • Performance measurement models
  • Meeting stakeholder expectations 

Brock Dickinson, CEO, MDB Insight, Stoney Creek, ON

1:30-5pm   Community data - finding it, working with it, and creating it yourself

This session is focused on research and analysis tools for working with community data. Participants will:

  • Learn common sources for community-level data
  • Practice useful tips for analyzing and working with data
  • Learn to use input-output analysis to support community projects

Jamie Vann Struth, Principal, Vann Struth Consulting Group, Vancouver, BC

Tuesday, September 20

9am-12:30pm    Measuring community performance - case studies & best practices

This session builds on the research and analysis tools from Session I by emphasizing the presentation of data and community analysis. Participants will:

  • Explore the power of benchmarking
  • Review the best (and worst) ways to present data visually
  • Link data measures to economic development objectives

Jamie Vann Struth, Principal, Vann Struth Consulting Group, Vancouver, BC

1:30-3pm   City Measurement Futures: Getting to Measuring What Matters and Curating Better Conversations

  • Approach: absolute vs relative measurement
  • Compare your city to five others
  • Track performance and relative rankings
  • External trends vs factors you can influence

Fred Morley, Chief Economist, Nova Scotia Tourism Agency/Nova Scotia Office of Regulatory Affairs and Service Effectiveness, Halifax, NS

3:30-5pm   TBA
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