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  • 08 Nov 2023 12:38 PM | Laura DeMille (Administrator)

    EDCO has an open RFP for Technical Needs. Submit by December 15th, 2023

    Attention: Technology and Services Providers

    Subject: Request for Proposal for IT and Cyber Security Support, Microsoft Teams Setup, Microsoft SharePoint Implementation, SharePoint File Migration, and Email Transition

    Details can be found here

  • 18 Mar 2020 9:15 AM | Deleted user

    Dear Friends,

    The health and wellbeing of Ontarians is our government’s top priority. I know the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is a widespread concern for everyone in Ontario, including the agriculture and agri-food industry.

    I want to assure you that my ministry and I are committed to working with you and doing everything we can to keep Ontario’s food supply system strong and functioning through this difficult time. I know how important the work that you do is to providing the food that the people of Ontario depend on.

    Please pass on my thanks to your members and staff for all the work that they are doing to ensure our food system stays strong and continues to provide food for the people of Ontario.

    Given the rapidly evolving situation it is important that we all continue to plan and prepare. If you haven’t already, I encourage all agri-food businesses, farmers, and food processing facilities to review their continuity plans and ensure they are up to date in the event of any potential disruptions to business practices that may result from COVID-19.

    As you review your plans, if you identify potential challenges that we can address please let me know.

    You may have seen my statement last weekend reassuring the people of Ontario that we have a robust food system and asking people to practice normal grocery buying habits to ensure there is food on the shelves for everyone in their communities. If possible, I would appreciate it if you could help to reassure Ontarians that we are working to maintain our food supply system.

    I would also encourage everyone to follow regular updates from Ontario’s Ministry of Health as well as the Public Health Agency of Canada. Please share this information as widely as is appropriate for your organization. Additionally, I encourage you to share the following websites with your stakeholders, partners and members.

    Ontario Ministry of Health: 

    Find your Local Public Health Unit: 

    Public Health Agency of Canada:

    Thank you for helping to share this information. Please feel free to reach out to me or my staff if you have any questions or to let us know about any challenges you are facing.

    Again, thank you for writing.


    Original signed by

    Ernie Hardeman

    Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

  • 11 Dec 2018 9:04 PM | Deleted user

    This workshop is specially designed to provide an overview of economic development from a community perspective. The session will provide a focus on the roles of Councillors and Staff, the importance of economic development strategy, linkages with other functions of the municipality and examples of performance measures.

    Who should attend?

    This workshop is a great training opportunity for new Councillors (or for citizens appointed to economic development committees or boards).  It also serves as a refresher for those returning to their previous Council positions.

    Topics covered in the workshop include:

    • Role of elected officials, committees and municipal staff
    • What is economic development?
    • Delivery options for economic development services
    • Importance of economic development strategy and performance measures


    David Cash, BES, RPP, CEcD, is a Past President of EDCO and has over 35 years experience in the Ontario municipal sector in various roles including Economic Development Officer, Planning Commissioner and CAO.

    He is the President of Cash & Associates Inc., a management consulting company, which provides professional advice and consulting services in the fields of economic development, site location studies, urban planning policy and organizational/service delivery review.

    Date:           Tuesday, January 29, 2019

    Time:          12:30 - 4 pm, working lunch provided

    Location:    Main Theatre, Ontario Investment and Trade Centre

                              250  Yonge Street, 35th Floor, Toronto, ON

    Cost:           $150 plus HST per person

    How to Register:
    Register online at
    If you have any questions regarding registration, contact:
    Kerri Schuttel, Research and Marketing Coordinator, EDCO
    By phone: 519-377-4462    By email:

    This training event is a pre-conference seminar for the 62nd Annual EDCO Conference. Elected Officials are eligible for Member discounted rates to attend. For more information, visit

    Alternatively, host a local training in your own community or region.  Review the flyer for more information and contact Heather Lalonde, CEO, EDCO for more information.

  • 02 Oct 2018 5:53 PM | Deleted user
    WASHINGTON, DC (October 02, 2018) – The Economic Developers Council of Ontario (EDCO), along with nine other economic development organizational partners from Canada and the U.S. have been selected by the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) as a Gold Award recipient for Excellence in Economic Development. 

    The award was in the category "Innovation in Economic Development Week" for the nationwide partnership that produced a video demonstrating the importance of economic development to the fabric of a community. The video and website was launched during Economic Development Week in May 2018. 

    The honour was presented at an awards ceremony on Tuesday, October 2, during the IEDC Annual Conference, which was held September 29 – October 3, in Atlanta, Georgia, United States.

    To commemorate Economic Development Week 2018, economic development organizations from across Canada (plus IEDC) contributed time and effort into producing a short video to demonstrate the importance of economic development to the fabric of a community. The video was produced in English and French and launched during Economic Development Week. All the partners shared the video with their membership and encouraged their members to use the video to help promote awareness and education of the importance of economic development and economic developers. “The project brought together organizations that have not all collaborated in the past. This was a great example of how we can work together to share resources and expertise to the benefit all our members, stakeholders and communities.” -Heather Lalonde, Chief Executive Officer, EDCO.

    "This year our judges reviewed some extraordinary projects that advanced both communities and businesses. We congratulate all the award winners, and thank everyone who nominated their projects for sharing their success with fellow IEDC members. What we learn from each other helps us to grow and advance as a profession. We look forward to even greater participation from economic developers across the globe in the 2019 awards program.” -Craig Richard, CEcD, FM, President and CEO, Tampa Hillsborough Economic Development Corporation located in Tampa, Florida, and 2018 IEDC Board Chair.

  • 07 May 2018 12:00 PM | Deleted user

    For Immediate Release

    Ontario - To commemorate Economic Development Week, economic development organizations from across the country have worked together to produce a short video that demonstrates the importance of economic development to the fabric of a community.  

    These organizations - The International Economic Development Council (IEDC), Economic Developers Association of Canada (EDAC), the Council for Advancement of Native Development Officers (CANDO), Economic Developers Council of Ontario (EDCO), Economic Developers Alberta (EDA), British Columbia Economic Development Association (BCEDA), the Economic Developers Association of Newfoundland and Labrador (EDANL), Nunavut Economic Development Association (NEDA), Saskatchewan Economic Developers Association (SEDA), and La Cité 2031 - have collaborated to undertake the project.

    Economic developers have a common objective: building stronger, more resilient, inclusive economies. The video illustrates why communities should invest in economic development.  For further information on the video and its collaborators, please visit:

    Heather Lalonde, CEcd, Ec.D
    Chief Executive Officer
    T: 613-931-6827

  • 12 Sep 2017 9:33 AM | Deleted user

    FIP-E-Black Text-Red Flag (300dpi).jpg

    2016 Census: Income data

    As Canada marks its 150th anniversary, Statistics Canada continues to share its year-long story of our country and its people. On September 13, 2017, the fourth series of results from the 2016 Census of Population will be released on Statistics Canada’s website. These results will present individual, family and household income statistics for various levels of geography and various demographic groups.

    Want to learn more? Join our chat session with Statistics Canada experts to discuss these findings!

    Chat with an expert

    When: Friday, September 15, 2017, from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., Eastern time.

    Experts: Nell Hamalainen, Tahsin Mehdi, Brian Murphy and Xuelin Zhang, Statistics Canada.

    How: Visit Chat with an expert to login and enter the chat room. If you don’t have an account, please register.

    FIP-F-Black Text-Red Flag (300dpi).jpg


    Recensement de 2016 : Données sur le revenu

    Alors que le Canada célèbre son 150e anniversaire, Statistique Canada poursuit le récit, présenté sur une période d’un an, de notre pays et de ses habitants. La quatrième série de résultats du Recensement de la population de 2016 sera publiée le 13 septembre 2017, sur le site Web de Statistique Canada. Ces résultats porteront sur le revenu des particuliers, des familles et des ménages pour divers niveaux géographiques et divers groupes démographiques.

    Vous voulez en savoir davantage au sujet de ces résultats? Joignez-vous à la séance de clavardage avec des experts de Statistique Canada!

    Clavarder avec un expert

    Quand : Le vendredi 15 septembre 2017, de 12 h 30 à 13 h 30, heure de l’Est.

    Experts : Nell Hamalainen, Tahsin Mehdi, Brian Murphy et Xuelin Zhang, Statistique Canada.

    Comment : Visitez Clavarder avec un expert, connectez-vous et entrez dans la salle de clavardage. Si vous n’avez pas de compte, veuillez vous inscrire.

    Thank you/ Merci,

    The Chat with an expert team

    Outreach and New media, Strategic Communications and Stakeholder Relations Division

    Statistics Canada / Government of Canada

    L’équipe de Clavarder avec un expert

    Rayonnement et nouveaux médias, Division des communications stratégiques et relations avec les intervenants

    Statistique Canada / Gouvernement du Canada

  • 05 Sep 2017 10:45 AM | Deleted user

    Hello EDCO Community,

    My name is Danielle Collins and I work for the Ontario Federation of Agriculture in economic development policy.

    I’m looking for stories from communities across Ontario, and I want to hear yours!

    I am putting together a catalogue of the many great things happening locally to support agriculture in Ontario. Please don’t hesitate to share – big or small.

    Here’s examples of initiatives I’d like to hear about:

    Examine Your Agricultural Community

    1. Do your research (e.g. ag census bulletin; asset mapping)
    2. Make a plan (e.g. ag/local food strategy)
    3. Investigate gaps and opportunities (e.g. food hub/abattoir feasibility studies)


    Support Your Agricultural Community

    1. Develop incentives (e.g. Community Improvement Plans for ag/rural; funding programs)
    2. Hire a champion (e.g. hire an Agriculture and/or Food –focused staff person, I’d also love job descriptions if possible)
    3. Develop supportive policies (e.g. land use policies that support value-added ag, streamlined approval process)


    Promote Your Agricultural Community

    1. Attract businesses (e.g. investment attraction and marketing initiatives)
    2. Brand your community (e.g. ag/food-related slogans and promotions)
    3. Promote taste of place (e.g. farm, food and beverage –themed trails, events)


    Strengthen Your Agricultural Community

    1. Facilitate connections (e.g. value chain and local food procurement initiatives)
    2. Foster entrepreneurship (e.g. incubators, mentorship programs)
    3. Collaborate to boost impact (e.g. work with neighbouring municipalities, upper-/lower-tier collaborations)


    These initiatives may be highlighted in upcoming presentations and future resources.

    Please email me at

    Thank you.

    Danielle Collins


    Agriculture Economic Development Policy

    Ontario Federation of Agriculture

    100 Stone Road West, Suite 206

    Guelph, Ontario, N1G 5L3

    (519) 821-8883 ext. 268

  • 28 Aug 2017 2:14 PM | Deleted user

    Click here to read more the Prime Minister's statement on the changes to the Ministry. 

  • 22 Aug 2017 11:01 AM | Deleted user

    In partnership with the University of Waterloo, join EDCO this fall for a four-part webinar series exploring topics including the Ontario Ministry of International Trade, recruiting local talent, marketing for experiential tourism, and government relations!

    The Economic Developers Association of Canada (EDAC) has accredited this series and will award 4 points toward Ec.D. Certification. Please note you must attend all four webinars to receive the points—partial points will not be awarded. Recorded versions of the webinars will be available to registrants by request.

    This event is recognized by the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) as a professional development event that counts towards the recertification of Certified Economic Developers (CEcDs).

    Register Now!


    September 28 2:00 - 3:30 PM 

    Ontario’s Ministry of International Trade: Opening the world to Ontario business

    • Introduction to the new Ministry of International Trade and its global network of Trade and Investment Offices
    • What the Senior Economic Officers (SEOs) do
    • How the SEOs foster trade, investment, innovation, and BR&E
    • How SEOs and the Toronto HQ can help communities


    • Pranab Shah, Community Export Development Advisor; 
    • Michelle Madden, International Program Officer -- Ontario Ministry of International Trade

    October 17, 2017 2:00 - 3:30 PM

    Help Local Companies Find & Recruit Talent in Your Region 

    • Why online communication is critical to finding talent
    • what kind of online communication helps attract the right talent
    • How to help your retained businesses better attract talent


    • Alysha Dominico, Founder, Tangible Words

    November 7, 2017 2:00 - 3:15 PM

    How Online Marketing Will Increase Experiential Tourism Dollars In Your Region

    • What is rural experiential tourism & successes seen
    • How online communication sets experiential tourism up for success   
    • Best tools and practices in communicating "the experience"


    • Alysha Dominico, Founder, Tangible Words

    November 28, 2017 2:00 - 3:30 PM

    Ready, Set, Advocate – Government Relations Training for Economic Developers

    • How to effectively talk to Ontario Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs) and ask for funding, policy changes, and other requests 


    • Sean Madden, Advocacy Consultant
  • 17 Aug 2017 9:25 AM | Deleted user

    The Economic Developers Council of Ontario (EDCO) has opened the call for entries for the EDCO Awards of Excellence 

    We are excited about 2 NEW award categories this year - Special Events and Local Collaboration. Find out more about these award categories and all the others here

    On the fence about applying? Click the video below to find out what last year's award winners had to say about the impact their win has had on their community.

     Learn More!
     Ready to Submit!

    The deadline for submissions in October 6, 2017!
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